Saturday 3 June 2017


The view from our balcony at Crystal Hill

On the end of last May, my mom, sis and I went to Ranau, Sabah for a short trip. Dad? O obviously he did not have any interest in traveling. Bro? Got more on daddy's genetic (you know what I mean). We chose Ranau because the location is reachable from Papar, just less than 3 hours drive (not so near after all Hah!). Close to the heart of Ranau, there are several attractions to visit such as the Poring Hot Spots, Sabah Tea Garden, and the new locations of attraction are the Rabbit Village. One part of Ranau is home to the tall majestic Mount Kinabalu, which is located in Kundasang, Ranau. The distance between Ranau to the Akinabalu is approximately 14 Km, and it takes less than an half hours to get there.  During our two days and a night trip, we stayed at the Crystal Hill Hotel located in Kundasang. The hotel facilities were functional and in good condition. The worthy thing about staying there was that you got to watch the fantastic view of Mount Kinabalu during sunrise (starry eyes). Sadly the only road leads to the hotel was not in good condition. There were holes and big rock popping out from the ground, but if you owned a 4 x 4 car that should be okay. We only rode my silvery Myvi. 

The view of Mount Kinabalu from the main entrance of the Hotel site

Another view from the central balcony of the Hotel

27 MAY 2017 (SATURDAY)

Tagal Sg. Moroli, Kampong Luanti Baru Ranau

Our first destination was the fish massage at the Tagal, Moroli River. The place is approximately 17.7 Km away from Pekan Ranau, and we took less than half an hour to get there. The primary activity is fish massage either foot or whole body massage. We only soaked our feet and played with the fish. Alert - visitors are not allowed to pick up the fish.  It is believed that the benefit of having the fish massage is that it may help eliminate dead skin cell. Apart from being tickled by the fish nibbling our foot, we also feed the fish. The fish food can be bought at the inside counter which only cost Rm2/packet. It was an enjoyable experience.

Operation Hours
Entrance Fee
8.30 am – 5.00 pm
RM10 (Swim with the fish)
RM5   (Adult – Soak feet)
RM2   (Children – Soak Feet)

Panorama of the Moroli River

The massage 

Sabah Tea Garden

Next, we went to the Sabah Tea Garden which is 2.04 Km from the previous stop. It took us almost 15 minutes to get there due to the non-asphalt path with the rocky road starting from the junction to the car park area. Phew!! Since we only want to watch the view of teas and the surrounding, we did not have to pay anything for the entrance. But if you're going to follow factory tour, the admission fee is compulsory. You can check this website for more details on the activities available. We just took pictures and had an excellent lunch at the Sabah tea restaurant and tea shop. It was a beautiful greenery scene, and the wind was refreshing. We did try the tea ice cream for dessert, and it was delicious (recommended).   

Mum and Sis enjoying their greenery view

Our lunch at the Sabah tea restaurant

Yummy Desert

Poring Hot Spring

The Poring Hot Springs located 23 Km and 51 minutes away from Sabah Tea Garden. During our journey, surprisingly the internet line was great, thanks to the google maps and Waze apps for showing us the way. Ha-ha. We did not worry much about the direction because there were plenty of signboards. There are many attraction areas in the park to be visited such as the butterfly farm, the Poring Orchid Conservation Centre, the tropical garden, the Poring canopy walkway, and the Rafflesia flower site. Since we arrived at 3.00 pm, we only opt to walk on the canopy and do some sightseeing in the areas. We paid the entrance fee, canopy walk fee, and the camera fee. My mum, sis and I did walk the canopy walk successfully. It was a fun and a memorable experience to be able to do it with my mum and sister. 

Operation Hours
7.00 am – 6.00 pm
Local entrance Fee
RM3 Adult
RM1 Below 18 years old

Camera (per unit)

Canopy walk

Mum and Sis on the canopy walk

The canopy walk 

Adenna Rafflesia Garden

Before going to our last destination, we did stop by at the Adenna Rafflesia Garden. The place is only a minute away from the Poring Hot Spring. The site is run by the local and the fee to see the biggest flower was quite costly. However, the experience was a pay-off, that day was my first experience watching the smelly red rafflesia live.  

The entrance of the area

It is real Rafflesia

Arnab Village (Rabbit Village)

Our last destination was the Arnab village which is located 37 Km away from the Adenna Rafflesia Garden and took us almost half an hour to get there. The road starting from the main junction to the rabbit village was not in good condition, there were holes everywhere (pity for my silver). Be very careful. When we got there, the rain started to pour and thankfully it did not last long. There were probably hundreds of cute and fluffy bunnies. OMG. I cannot resist holding and touching the rabbit; it was irresistibly super cute!! We did feed the bunny, a packet of bunny food cost RM1. The foods are available at the counter. Once we had the food and gave them the food, the bunnies started grouping around us. It was a sweet fluffy cotton candy experience. Ha-ha. 

We are the cutest bunnies in Kundasang  

Nonong and her clan of bunnies Ha-ha

Mum and I feeding the bunnies 
Our first day visiting places of attraction in Ranau-Kundasang was a lovely experience. Also, it was a meaningful outing especially for me because I had more time to spend talking and laughing with my mother and sister. Stay tuned for part II.


  1. Wow, the views are beautiful!! Is there any enterance fee to get into the Arnab Village?

    1. I forgot to mention the entrance fee if I am not mistaken the admission-free is only RM3 for adult and free for children. I am not sure the fee for 2018.
